Entropy-based Evaluation of Context Models for Wavelet-transformed Images

In general, new coding systems for specific types of images or with special requirements are conceived from theoretical/practical insights and by intuition. The intention of this work is to provide a tool that may aid the inception of new wavelet-based image coding systems. Its main idea is to use an entropy-based measure able to evaluate different transform strategies, context models, and coding rates. The proposed measure determines the maximum performance that can be achieved under the conditions tested, providing hints that may serve to devise simpler and more efficient systems for the coding of images. The software tool provided in this work has been employed in some of our papers to unveil novel coding strategies.

ABSTRACT: Entropy is a measure of a message uncertainty. Among others aspects, it serves to determine the minimum coding rate that practical systems may attain. This work defines an entropy-based measure to evaluate context models employed in wavelet-based image coding. The proposed measure is defined considering the mechanisms utilized by modern coding systems. It establishes the maximum performance achievable with each context model. This helps to determine the adequateness of the model under different coding conditions, and serves to predict with high precision the coding rate achieved by practical systems. Experimental results evaluate four well-known context models using different types of images, coding rates, and transform strategies. They reveal that, under specific coding conditions, some widely-spread context models may not be as adequate as it is generally thought. The hints provided by this analysis may help to design simpler and more efficient wavelet-based image codecs.

Our implementation of this entropy-based measure incorporates many different transform strategies, context models, and entropy types. It is programmed in Java and is named ENTIMA. We encourage others to use it for its own purposes. It is left freely availabe here.

PAPER: F. Auli-Llinas, Entropy-based evaluation of context models for wavelet-transformed images, IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 57-67, Jan. 2015. (DOI:10.1109/TIP.2014.2370937, doc.pdf295K)
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