DMP2018 DPM2018 ESORICS 2018

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Sarah Meiklejohn


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Title: Anonymity in Cryptocurrencies

Abstract: A long line of recent research has demonstrated that existing cryptocurrencies often do not achieve the level of anonymity that users might expect they do, while at the same time another line of research has worked to increase the level of anonymity by adding new features to existing cryptocurrencies or creating entirely new cryptocurrencies. This talk will explore both of these lines of research, demonstrating both de-anonymization attacks and techniques for anonymity that achieve provably secure guarantees.

Short Biography

Dr. Sarah Meiklejohn is Reader (Associate Professor) in Cryptography and Security at UCL, in the Computer Science department. I am affiliated with the Information Security Group, and am also a member of the Open Music Initiative and the Initiative for Cryptocurrencies and Contracts (IC3).

Before joining UCL, she received a PhD in Computer Science from the University of California, San Diego under the joint supervision of Mihir Bellare and Stefan Savage. During her PhD, she spent the summers of 2011 and 2013 at MSR Redmond, working in the cryptography group with Melissa Chase. She obtained an Sc.M. in Computer Science from Brown University under the guidance of Anna Lysyanskaya in 2009, and an Sc.B. in Mathematics from Brown University in 2008.