picture of J.Rifa

Josep Rifà's Home Page


Research Interests

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Josep Rifà is a Professor Emeritus at Autonomous University of Barcelona.
He is the former director of the Department of Information and Communications Engineering (dEIC) and a member of the Combinatorics, Coding and Security Group (CCSG) (considered as a consolidated research group by the Generalitat of Catalunya).
He co-founded and served as Vice-chairman (from 1996 to 2010), the Spanish Chapter of Information Theory Society of IEEE.


Josep Rifà i Coma was born in Manlleu (Catalonia, Spain) in July 1951. He received the graduate degree of Excel·lent in Mathematics from the University of Barcelona (1973) and he was with this University for some years. Later, in 1987 he received the Ph.D. degree of Cum Laudem in Computer Science from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Since 1974 he was an assistant professor in the Mathematics Department, Barcelona University. In 1987 he joined the UAB and since 1992 he has been a full professor in this University. Currently, he serves as a Professor Emeritus at UAB.

Research Interests

His main research interests are in cryptography, coding theory, combinatorics and their interactions. Some of the research topics in cryptography include secret sharing schemes and schemes to hide information (watermarking, fingerprinting, steganography) coming from coding theory. Research topics in coding theory include many types of combinatorial structures related to perfect codes, mainly the 1-perfect codes and the completely regular codes, for instance designs, including Latin squares, t-designs, association schemes and associated algebraic structures as quasigroups. He is interested in binary additive codes and the corresponding Z2Z4-linear and Z4-linear codes. He is also interested in algorithmic methods in coding theory, including error-correction implementations by using Reed-Solomon Codes or related codes.

He has presented several reports and papers on these topics in many international conferences and has published more than a hundred papers in specialized journals.

At present his research group works in several projects of spanish CICYT and other national and international organizations on subjects related to digital communications, error correcting codes, encryption and security of digital information. Here it is a complete list of projects where he is (or was) involved.


He usually taught a graduate course on Avanced techniques in cryptography and coding and three courses at undergraduate level: Discrete Mathematics, Computational Security, Coding Theory. There is some teaching material (textbook, assignments, tests, notes, etc.) related to these (and other) courses, available on-line.

He has written several textbooks ("Comunicación Digital" 1991, "Seguretat Computacional" 1996, "Fonaments de Matemàtica Discreta" 1997, "Teoria de la codificació. Problemes" 1998, "Matemàtica Discreta" 2003-2007-2011, "10 impactos de la ciencia del siglo XX" 2003, "Criptografia Avançada" 2012, "Matemàtica Discreta II. Aritmètica i teoria de la codificaciò" 2012, "Z2Z4-linear codes" 2022).


A list of publications by Josep Rifà can be found here IN ORCID and several are linked to the full paper.


At the University:
Personal Coordinates, phone, fax, email, office, tutorship, ...
Departament d'Enginyeria de la Informació i de les Comunicacions (dEIC) (41:30:00 N - 02:06:42 E)
Escola d'Enginyeria (EdE)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
08193-Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)
Catalunya (Europa's next independent state)

Last modified on September 2021.