INFIMA is an application to compute metrics of one or two images. When only one image is provided, the program computes metrics such as the energy or the center of the dynamic range of the image. When two images are provided, the program computes comparison metrics such as mean squared error (MSE) or peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), among others. The application can display the results in different forms and using different types of averages.

One of the principal advantages of this application is that it does not need to load the full image(s) in memory. Instead, it computes the desired metrics in a local fashion, i.e., progressively for small image areas. Also, it employs multiple threads of execution to accelerate the process. This permits to handle large resolution images with negligible memory and moderate computational load.

This application employs some of the libraries developed for the BOI codec. INFIMA is also provided under the BOI license, which permits its private use freely but it does not allow commercial use or re-distribution.

If you use this software, please cite it as

F. Auli-Llinas. (2014) INFIMA - Information of an image. [Online] Available:∼francesc/software/infima

DOWNLOAD: please send email to: francesc (dot) auli (at) uab (dot) cat